Health Ministry Official said that India Conducts 7 Lakh COVID-19 Tests In A Day:

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An official said that India recorded the highest number of recoveries in a day with 53,879 COVID patients and discharged them on Saturday.

New Delhi: India has peaked the COVID-19 test peak with more than seven lakh tests in a single day, the country has conducted around 500 tests per minute in the last 24 hours, a senior Ministry of Health official said.

Since the onset of the COVID-19 epidemic, India has conducted a total of 2,41,06,535 trials so far.

According to the Ministry of Health, the nation has been conducting more than six lakh tests in a single day for the past several days. In the last 24 hours, India has conducted around 7,19,364 trials.

"Such a high level of testing will also lead to a high number of daily positive cases, however, states have been strongly advised to test, track, comprehensive tracking of treatment strategies, early isolation and effective treatment. . States report higher. The official said the case fatality rate (CFR) could bring fatalities below 1 percent.

The official said that India has created the record for the highest recovery of 53,879 COVID patients in a single day.

"With this, the total number of cases recovered has touched another high level of 14,80,884 today. This is more than double the number of active cases (6,28,747). The number of cases recovered is 2.36 times higher. High levels have been touched. Active cases, which are all under medical attention, are either in-house isolation or in hospitals. "

With a higher number of recovered patients, the recovery rate is now 68.78 percent. "The wide gap between recovered and active cases, indicating a greater number of Uber than segregation in hospitals or at home, is 8,52,137 on Sundays," the official said.

"The greater recovery is the result of focused implementation of various actions taken collectively by the Central and State / UT Governments to combat the virus epidemic. Due to these efforts, the CFR has declined further, improving by 2.01 per The rate is touching. Percent on August 9, "the official said.

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