How does smoking harm you? and Why should you never smoke?

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We all already know that smoking is not good for us. And We have been listening to this thing for a long time.
You probably already know some of its consequences but I am gonna tell you everything you must know.

How exactly is smoking not good for you and why should you quit smoking right now??
Why should you never smoke?
Here you will know some major consequences of smoking.

Let's begin with what does a cigarette contains and how can it harms you
In a cigarette, there are more than 7500 chemical substances in which 40 substances are cancer-causing and it can cause severe health damages and illness or eventually causes death if it's consumption has been not stopped.

some of the harmful chemical substances are
  • Nicotine
  • Tar
  • Lead
  • Hydrogen cyanide
  • Formaldehyde
  • Carbon monoxide
  • Arsenic
  • Ammonia
  • Radioactive elements(such as uranium)
  • Benzene
  • Nitrosamines
  • Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and many more
  • radio-active elements that cause cancer

With each cigarette you smoke, these harmful substances make their way to your body.

When you inhale, your teeth are now exposed to the tar which makes your gum unhealthy by coating it with tar and it will make your enamel and gums weaker and it will eventually cause tooth decay and loss of teeth after some time.
Over time the regular dosage of nicotine and other toxic chemicals will damage your nerve endings which result in loss of smell.
When nicotine reaches the brain, it releases some chemicals such as Endorphin, Dopamine, and serotonin.
(NOTE- The secretion of Endorphin, Dopamine, and serotonin helps in relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety).

These chemicals are responsible for the pleasurable feeling smokers feel after every session.
And that makes it even more difficult to quit.
The smoker's brain gets desensitized after being repeatedly exposed to the Nicotine.
And it alters the regular secretion of these chemicals in the body.
It makes the smokers to consume more nicotine just to feel normal.

Respiratory System & Cardiovascular Problems
When the tobacco smokes enter the lungs and the airway, 
it forms mucus which damages the cilia and makes the lungs clogged and dirty enough to work properly.
Cilia is a hair-like structure that cleans the lungs and airways.

It also damages the alveoli by clogging it with mucus.
Alveoli is a group of more than thousands of tiny pores where oxygen and carbon dioxide exchanges.
After these critical organs get damaged, some of the toxic gases get through them easily and get into the bloodstream.

Here,  toxic gases like Carbon Monoxide bind themselves with hemoglobin.
Thus making the blood thicker and full of sticky platelets.

It makes the breathing system harder to breathe.
Thus increasing the risk of Lung cancer by 23 times compared to a non-smoker.

Which is why all smoker faces a mutual issue called Shortness of Breath.
Blood containing fat and cholesterol thickened the wall of arteries which restricts the blood supply. This increases the Risk of  Stroke, a Heart attack by Four times.
That's why, In every five deaths from lung cancer, four are smokers.

Eye Problems

The latest research shows that smoking can cause severe eye problems.
Smoking significantly increases the amount of CADMIUM which leads to significantly reduced vision, blurred visions,  less sensitive to colors, or even muted colors.

Weakening Of Bones
It has been known for decades that smoking is not good for bones.
Numerous studies have shown that smoking makes bones weaker and can be fractured or broken with minor stress.
The Human body uses two specific proteins to break down bone density.
And smoking excessively increases the amount of these two proteins in the body.
Thus making the bones less strong.

Smoking drastically decreases the number of immunes cells or cancer-fighting cells and antibodies in the body.
these cells are just very important for the body to fight any bad bacteria or viruses.
Decreasing in the no of these cells results in a low immune system which could lead to serious health issues and smokers are likely to catch illnesses that will last very long and easily get infected by viruses or even death since the body can't fight with diseases anymore.

Having a weak immune system is the worst situation you ever been to. This is why you often see the correlation between cancer and smoking.

The chemicals substances present in cigarettes could trigger the mutation in the body's DNA.
Arsenic and Nickel destroys the process of repairing the body DNA.
Thus it would ultimately result in many forms of cancer or eventually death.
Cigarettes could cause cancer in any part of the body like mouth, larynx, throat, lungs, blood, bone marrow, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder, uterus, and cervix.
In the US, one of every three deaths by cancer is caused by smoking.

After causing so much damage to your body, smoking changes your physical appearance also.

It disrupts the flow of blood to the skin and reduces skin elasticity. And it results in wrinkles, off-colored skin tone, sagging under eyes, and hair loss.
These results are irreversible or can't be reduced but can be controlled by quitting.
According to researchers,if someone smokes for 7-10 years,his life would be reduced by around 23 years.

Smoking also causes fertility problems in both men and women.
Over time, smoking lowers the sperm count significantly.
Smoking also causes erectile dysfunction in men.

but it is not just men, women who smoke are also affected in similar ways.
In women, smoking causes serious infertility issues like infertility of the egg or even damages the reproductive organs.

Even if these women managed to get pregnant, the risks of miscarriage or the baby will borns with serious health problems that could last forever.

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